What: Games and Hangs over Zoom
Meetup Organizer: Aleigh Roy
Who: Women | Men | 21+
When: This Friday, April 24th 7:30PM
Where: Aleigh’s Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 424 231 6803
Password: 132457
Details: Join us for an evening of drinks and games! We have Jackbox Party Packs which are super fun, online games! If we have too many people, we can open up some games in HouseParty (app). Just in case, make sure you have the HouseParty app downloaded onto your phone. All you need for JackBox is your phone as well.
Have a drink of choice and join us via my personal Zoom account! *perks of being a teacher*
We look forward to playing some games with everyone :)
Meetup Contact: Text Aleigh (719) 659-2300