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Our Culture

At Ridgeline, we bring a relentless intentionality to the building of our culture. Culture is comprised of the beliefs and behaviors that embody who we are. In this pursuit, we do our best to capture these various beliefs and behaviors in our cultural canon. The dictionary defines a “cannon” as “the body of rules, principles, or standards accepted as axiomatic and universally binding. A fundamental principle, or general rule.” 

This is what we’re building. This is who we are.

We simply follow Jesus.

We try not to complicate the simple invitation of Jesus to follow Him.


We are ok to not be ok.

We are open about our brokenness because we find our identity in the faithfulness of Jesus, rather than our failure.


We aren’t playing t-ball.

We serve within the strengths God has given us. 


We never phone it in.

We bring our best to every opportunity God gives us. 


We lead with prayer.

We pray as a first response rather than a last resort.

We enjoy the journey.

We have a vision for the future, but we find joy in the present.

We prioritize friendship.

We believe ministry is better with friends, so we work hard to foster fruitful friendships.

We are known by what we’re for.

We form our identity around what we love, rather than what we’re against.

We practice relationship without condition.

We don’t approach people like projects, we love them like image bearers of God.

We are strategically focused.

We focus all our efforts on a vital few behaviors we believe build a healthy church.