SLCC Service Protocols

We are so incredibly excited to be back together as an entire church family. Due to being required to abide by the Utah Health Department requirements at SLCC, here will be our Sunday morning protocols:

  1. No physical contact with others. This includes hugging, handshakes, fist bumps, etc. This feels foreign for many of us, but we want to be very cautious with everyone’s health and respect everyone’s varying comfort levels.
  2. Sanitize hands upon arrival. We will have plenty of hand sanitizer at the front door and in the lobby, as well as bathrooms available for hand washing, if you’d prefer. Please make use of either when you arrive.
  3. Sit in open rows. We will make physical distancing as simple as possible by taping off every other row. Please sit in any open row and maintain at least three open seats between you and any other household.
  4. Wear your mask. Anytime you are not seated and listening, masks are mandatory. This means as we walk in, talk in the lobby, move around the room, and stand to sing, masks must be worn. The only time masks may be removed is when you are seated and listening.

While many are weary of these safety protocols, it’s critical we honor them in accordance with the health department's request. Our goal is to be able to gather safely for worship and these protocols will help us accomplish that goal. Thank you so much for your help and we’ll see you Sunday.