Everyone can learn to teach the Bible…
You don’t have to go to seminary. You don’t have to be scholar. You don’t even need loads of experience as a public speaker.
All you need is a desire to learn, the courage to try and the determination to work at it.
At Ridgeline, we believe it’s our responsibility to equip ordinary people for the extraordinary work of teaching the Bible in a clear, concise, and compelling manner.
This the goal of the Ridgeline Teaching Lab.
Each month we gather for:
- Instruction.
- Practice.
- Feedback.
Pastor Ryan is passionate about pouring into those in our church family who desire to grow in their ability to teach. Even if you don’t aspire to preach an entire sermon, we’re building a team of people to help with short worship devotionals, testimonies, and every other expression of Bible teaching you can imagine.
For more information, or to sign up for the Teaching Lab, simply register through the link below. EVERYONE is welcome!